Research projects
Over the last decade, I participated in several larger research projects, including:
2023-present research on the implementation of the teachingmodule ‘FLOW’, in the Netherlands and in Indonesia.
2021-2024 research on the concept and praxis of interreligious teaching and learning at the Juliana van Stolberg primary school in Ede. resulting in the publication ‘Gast’ (Hospitality).
2017 – 2024: ‘MIRAS’ research project on the prevention of radicalisation. Research project of IDEIS.
2010 – 2014: Research project attached to the research group ‘Education and Life Orientation’ at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam/Amstelveen.
2007 – 2010: Research project ‘Development of Plural Christian Primary Education’ attached to the research group ‘Multivoiced Christian Education’ at the Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden.
2006 – 2009: European REDCo research project on ‘The Role of Religion in Education – A Factor of Conflict?’, led by Prof. Dr. Wolfram Weisze (University of Hamburg).
2025 Snel, P., I. ter Avest (2025). Weg met Artikel 23?! Van reflex naar reflectie. Tijdschrift van 12 tot 18. ingediend. Hoefnagels, H., I. ter Avest (2025). Spelenderwijs op weg naar zin. Tijdschrift voor Geestelijke Verzorging. geaccepteerd. Deursen, J., I. ter Avest (2025). Het persoonlijk perspectief; de levensbeschouwing van leerlingen. In: LERVO Inspiratieboek. geaccepteerd. Avest, I. ter (2025). Old wine in new bottles. ENRECA publication, geaccepteerd. Avest, I. ter (2025). Feeling at Home in One’s Religious World –Precondition for Hospitable Education. Friends book for Kerstin von Brussen. geaccepteerd. Avest, I. ter (2025). Gastfreundliche Bildung. In: Jahrbuch Kindertheologie. geaccepteerd. 2024 Avest, I. ter (2024). Gast. Een andere kijk op levensbeschouwing en burgerschap in het onderwijs in een veranderende samenleving. Eburon. 2023 Boek/Book Becker, A., I. ter Avest, C. Roux (Eds.) (2023). Human rights education in South Africa and the Netherlands: Conversations in place-space-time. African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). Hoofdstuk in boek/Chapter in book Avest, I. ter (2023). Evolutionary processes and praxis of human rights education in the Netherlands. In: A. Becker, I. ter Avest, C. Roux (Eds.). Conversations in Place-Space-Time in South Africa and the Netherlands. African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). pp. 72-99. Avest, I., ter, J.-D. Tuinier (2023). Teacher education and human rights education. Practice and praxis in the Netherlands. In: A. Becker, I. ter Avest, C. Roux (Eds.). Conversations in Place-Space-Time in South Africa and the Netherlands. African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). pp. 130-164. Avest, I. ter (2023). Human rights education and normative (global) citizenship education in the Netherlands. In: A. Becker, I. ter Avest, C. Roux (Eds.). Conversations in Place-Space-Time in South Africa and the Netherlands. African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). pp. 194-221. Becker, A., R. Ferguson, J. Jarvis, C. Roux, I. Sabelis, I. Ter Avest, J.-D. Tuinier (2023). Conversations ‘en route’. In: A. Becker, I. ter Avest, C. Roux (Eds.). Conversations in Place-Space-Time in South Africa and the Netherlands. African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). pp. 221-246. Avest, I. ter (2023). ‘Playful Searching Truth’; An Exploration of the Role of ‘Life Orientation’ in a Plural World. In: Z. Grosz (Ed.). Reimaging the Landscape of Religious Education. Challenges and Opportunities. Springer. pp. press. Becker, A., J. Jarvis, I. ter Avest (2023). The role of human rights education in moving towards a state-rights-religion relationship in place-space-time. In: H.-G. Ziebertz & F.-V. Anthony (Eds.). Religious Freedom vis-à-vis State-Religion Separation. accepted. Avest, I. ter (2023). Epilogue. In: I. ter Avest & B. Budak (Eds.). Special Issue Religions ‘Islam in/and Education in the Netherlands. 2022 Boek/Book Becker, A., C. Roux, I. Sabelis, I. ter Avest, J.-D. Tuinier, H. Wels (2022) Mensenrechteneducatie in Zd Afrika en Nederland – leren met en van elkaar. video Human Rights Education, conversational analysis. Hoofdstuk in boek/Chapter in book Avest, I. ter (2022). Prologue. In: I. ter Avest & B. Budak (Eds.). Special Issue Religions ‘Islam in/and Education in the Netherlands. Avest, I. ter (2022) Sex Education in Dutch Islamic Primary Schools; Reflection on an Example of Teaching Material for Islamic Primary Schools. In: Anthology of the NICMCR Pokja Gender and Religion. Avest, I.ter (2022) Islamic Religious Education (IRE) Teachers in the Netherlands. From Tradition-Based to Modern Teaching. In: Ismail Hussein Amzat (Ed.). Supporting Modern Teaching in Islamic Schools: Pedagogical Best Practice for Teachers. Routledge Avest, I. ter (2022). Developing Children’s Life Orientation In ECEC: Curriculum Development Research Project in the Pillarised Dutch Society. In: A. Kuusisto (Ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of the Place of Religion in Early Childhood Education and Care. Routledge. pp. 364-380. Avest, I. ter, I. Kurt, O. Gurlesin, A. Alasag (2022). Normative Citizenship Education inPlural Societies. A Dialogical Approach to Possible Tensions between Religious Identity and Citizenship. In: A. Unser (Ed.). Religion, Citizenship and Democracy. Springer. pp. 221-245. Becker, A., J. Jarvis, I. ter Avest (2022). The role of human rights education in moving towards a state-rights-religion relationship in place-space-time. Presentation at online conference Religious Freedom vis-à-vis State-Religion Separation, organised by H.-G. Ziebertz & F.-V. Anthony , december 12. 2021 Reviews Avest, I. ter (2021). Critical Perspectives on Interreligious Education. Experiments in Empathy (Ed. Najeeba Syeed & Heidi Hadsell). Exchange, vol. 50, issue 3-4. pp. 311-313. Avest, I. ter (2021). ‘Meral’, ‘Klassen’ en ‘hoe mens te zijn’. Narthex 21-1. Avest, I. ter (2021). Heilige Strijd; Het verlangen naar veiligheid en het einde van het kwaad (Beatrice de Graaf). Narthex 21-1. Avest, I. ter (2021). The Forgotten Dimensions of Religions Education? (Eds. Gert Biesta & Patricia Hannam). Narthex 21-3. Artikelen/Articles Avest, I. ter (2021). Islam and Sex Education in The Netherlands: Reflection on an Example of Teaching Material for Islamic Primary Schools. Relgious Education. volume 116, issue 5. Avest, I. ter, B. Banning (2021). Valt er wat te vieren dan? Narthex 21-2. Avest, I. ter (2021). Vulnerable situations in the classroom. Religionspaedagogische Beiträge/Journal for Religion and Education 44 (1), p. 75-82. Avest, I. ter (2021). Verletzlichkeit und vulnerable Situationen im Klassenzimmer. website INTR*A (Interreligioese Arbeitsstellen und Netzwerk). Hetebrij, M., De Ruiter, R., ter Avest, I. (2021). Macht aan tafel bij coaching. Tijdschrift voor Coaching. maart, nr. 1. p. 60-65. Avest, I. ter (2021). ‘&I/&you’ An Innovative Research Instrument for Youngsters to Explore Their Life Orientation. Religions 12(2):88, p. 1 – 13. Hoofdstukken in boeken/Chapters in books Avest, Ina ter, Ibrahim Kurt, Ömer F. Gürlesin, & Alper Alasag (2021). Normative citizenship education in plural societies: A dialogical approach to possible tensions between religious identity and citizenship. In: A. Unser (Ed.). Religion, Citizenship and Democracy. Springer. Avest, I. ter, C. Bakker, L. Franken (2021). Islamic Education in the Netherlands. In: L. Franken & B. Gent (Eds.). Islamic RE in Europe; a Comparative Study. Routledge. Avest, I. ter (2021). Teachers’ Multi-Voiced Identity: Stimulating Religious Development of Children Aged 9-10 Within a Plural Context. In: E. Aslan & M. Hermansen (Eds.). Religious Diversity at School. Educating for New Pluralistic Contexts. Springer VS. p. 79-95. Avest, I. ter (2021). Wings to their feet; A pedagogical strategy of dialogue as prevention of radicalisation. In: R. Wills, M. de Souza, J.M. McMahon, M. Abu Bakar, C. Roux (Eds.). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Culture and Identity from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood; Perceptions and Implications. Bloomsbury Academic. p. 61-71. Avest, I. ter (2021). Developing children’s life orientation in ECEC: curriculum development research project in the Pillarised Dutch Society. in: Kusiisto, A. (Ed). The Routledge International Handbook of the Place of Religion in Early Childhood Education and Care. Routledge. Presentaties/Presentations INTR*A conferentie Keulen, hybride. Zurückgewinnung des Selbstwertgefühls zur Überwindung von Hass und Intoleranz. November 20. EARLI SIG 19 conferentie. The Place of Religion in Early Childhood Education (ECEC). October 26. Studiedag Utrechts Platform Levensbeschouwing en Religie ‘En dat geloof jij? Leren samen leven met verschillen’. Multicultureel/-religieus samenleven? Doen! September 18. PCM webinar (Association of Indonesian RE Teachers). The Other, Present and a Present. September 4. KAME conference Seoul ‘Multicultural Education in the Post Pandemic Era’, online August 12-14 paperpresentation: Hospitality – Encountering ‘the o/Other’ by Way of Performative Reading of Narratives in Holy Scriptures contributors: Alper Alasag, Moon Son, Ina ter Avest DST conference Barcelona, online, June 6-11 11th International Conference on the Dialogical Self symposium: Normative Professionalism in Liquid Times contributors: I. ter Avest, J. Koenig, R. van Loon, E. van der Zande ISREV conference, online, July 25-27 symposium July 25: Religion and Education on the Move – time for reflection on the interrelatedness of chronos and kairos in RE contributors: P. Schreiner, I. ter Avest, C. Bakker, K.S. Fuglseth, S. Leonhard, K. Sporre, G. Skeie. ISREV conference, online, July 25-27 keynote July 27: I. ter Avest, Narratives in need for narrators; RE in a secularised/secularizing world. REA conference, online, July 5-9 Gender, Sexuality and Wholeness paper presentation: I. ter Avest Professionalisation of Teachers RE/Sex Education in Schools with Muslim Children. IAIE conference, online, June 27-30 Intercultural Education in the Information Age paper presentation: I. ter Avest, I. Kurt, O. Gurlesin, A. Alasag Self (e)valuation; formative and summative testing. Consortium Netherlands-Indonesia for Muslim-Christian Relations, online, February 10. Paper presentation: I. ter Avest (in close cooperation with Alper Alasag, Ibrahim Kurt, Omer Gurlesin). Game on! Islamic Religious Education in a plural context. 2020 Presentaties/Presentations Ter Avest, I., A. Alasag, O. Gurlesin, I. Kurt (2020). Presentatie op expert meeting over de onderwijsmodule ZELVI en bijbehorend spel MirrorMind. 26 november. Click here to view the presentation. Avest, I. ter (2020). Peace Education and Religion(s); Disruptive moments precondition for peaceful living together. Presentation at online conference ‘Peace Education’. October 22-25. Click here to view the presentation. Avest, I. ter (2020). ‘In Narrativen: suchen und gefunden werden‘. Presentatie op online ‘Tagung’ “Dialog und Transformation”. November 20. Artikelen/Articles Avest, I. ter, B. Banning (2020). Mijn roeping en ik. Casus over kwetsbaarheid in het onderwijs. Narthex 20-4, p.28-29. Avest, I. ter (2020). recensie: Sinan Cankay, ‘Mijn ontelbare identiteiten’. Narthex 20-4, p. 91-93. Avest, I. ter (2020). Vliegen op eigen kracht. Speling, jaargang 72, nr. 3. p. 8-13. Wielzen, D., I. ter Avest, (2020). Door de ogen van een kind. Pedagogiek in Praktijk (PIP). Boek/Book Avest, I. ter, C. Bakker, J. Everington, S. Leonhard, P. Schreiner (Eds.). Facing the Unknown Future; Religion and Education on the Move. Munster: Waxmann. Hoofdstukken in boeken/Chapters in books Avest, I. ter & Saskia Heusèrr (2020). Religie, op het snijpunt van persoon, beroep en samenleving, In L. Rubio Reparaz, S. Ardjosemito-Jethoe, K. Rijk (Eds.). Diversiteit in de samenleving. Koninklijke Van Gorcum, 2e druk. H 12, pp. 183-205. Bekijk hier het filmpje ‘Diversiteit in de samenleving’. Avest, I. ter (2020). Time Passes; an Exploration of Biographies of First Generation Guest Workers’ Wives and the Interwovenness with the Narratives of their (Grand) Children. In: I. ter Avest, C. Bakker, J. Everington, S. Leonhard, P. Schreiner (Eds.) Facing the Unknown Future. Munster: Waxmann. pp. 245-265. Avest, I. ter (2020). Professionalisation of teachers in schools with muslim children. From tradition-based pedagogy to normative professionalisation of teachers ‘Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in the Netherlands. In: Ismael Hussein Amzat (Ed.). Supporting Modern Teaching in Islamic Schools: Pedagogical Best Practice for Teachers. accepted. Avest, I. ter (2020). Playful religious education in Kindergarten. In: A. Kuusisto (Ed.). The Routledge International Handbook of the Place of Religion in Early Childhood Education. zie de video. Avest, I. ter (2020). Playful searching truth; An exploration of the role of ‘life orientation’ in a plural post truth world. In: Z. Grosz (Ed.). Religious Education in a Multicultural Post Truth Era – International Perspectives. accepted. Avest, I. ter (2020). The power of a controversial issues. The development of teachers’ competencies to respond to students’ developmental needs for ‘disruptive moments’. In: M. Von der Lippe (Ed.). Special Issue ‘Teaching Controversial Issues and Religion’. Gurlesin, O., M. Akdag, A. Alasag, I. ter Avest (2020). Playful Religion: An Innovative Approach to Prevent Radicalisation of Muslim Youth in Europe. In: A. Sahin (Ed.). Special Issue ‘Islamic Education in Contemporary World: Traditions, Rearticulations & Transformation’. vol. 11 nr. 66 (16 pages). Avest, I. ter, I. Kurt, O. Gurlesin, A. Alasag (2020). Normative Citizenship Education in Plural Societies. A Dialogical Approach to Possible Tensions Between Religious Identity and Citizenship. Accepted. Avest, I. ter, C. Bakker (2020). Islamitische Bildung in den Niederlanden und Belgien; herausfordernd und vielversprechend. In: E. Aslan (Ed.). Migration, Religion and Early Childhood Education/Handbuch der islamischen Erziehung. pp. 155-175. Bakker, C., I. ter Avest (2020). Time to Contextualize RE from the Perspective of ‘Time’. In: I. ter Avest, C. Bakker, J. Everington, S. Leonhard, P. Schreiner (Eds.) Facing the Unknown Future. Munster: Waxmann. pp. 7-29. Avest, I. ter (2020). Living Apart Together or A Happy Marriage? Religious Education and Moral Education in the Global South.In: Y. Matemba & B.A. Collet (Eds.). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religious Education in the Global South. 2019 Boeken/Books Alma, H., I. ter Avest (Eds.) (2019). Moral and Spiritual Leadership in an Age of Plural Moralities. London/New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Avest, I. ter (Ed.) (Ed.) (2019). There is a Crack in Everything; Education and Religion in a Secular Age. Basel: Education Sciences MDPI. | |
Hoofdstukken in boeken/Chapters in books
Alma, H., I. ter Avest, I. (2019). Introduction. In H. Alma & I. ter Avest (Eds.) Moral and Spiritual Leadership in an Age of Plural Moralities. London/New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 1-9.
Alma, H., I. ter Avest, I. (2019). Epilogue. In H. Alma & I. ter Avest (Eds.) Moral and Spiritual Leadership in an Age of Plural Moralities. London/New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 291-297.
Avest, I. ter (2019). Provocative guidance: a practice of narrative leadership. In H. Alma & I. ter Avest (Eds.) Moral and Spiritual Leadership in an Age of Plural Moralities. London/New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 91-106.
Avest, I. ter (2019). Introduction. In There is a Crack in Everything; Education and Religion in a Secular Age. Basel: Education Sciences MDPI.
Avest, I. ter (2019). Epilogue. In There is a Crack in Everything; Education and Religion in a Secular Age. Basel: Education Sciences MDPI.
Avest, I. ter, C. Bakker (2019). Disruptive moments and normative professionalism. An exploration of the (im)possibilities of a provocative pedagogy to stimulate the development of normative professionalism. In: Diversity in Higher Education.
Avest, I. ter, O. Gurlesin, I. Kurt, A. Alasag (2019). Normative Citizenship Education in Plural Societies; a dialogical approach to possible tensions between religious identity and citizenship. Conferentie Wurzburg, ‘Religion, Democracy and Citizenship’, oktober 10-12.
Avest, I. ter (2019). Teachers’ multivoiced identity: stimulating religious development of children age 9-10 in a plural context. Conferentie: Religion(s)@School, Wenen November 15-17.
Wielzen, D., I. ter Avest, N. Lafrarchi (2018). The classroom – place of interfaith encounters. An exploration of the complexity and the interrelatedness between theoretical concepts and practical situations of interfaith education in a secular(ized/izing) age. Religious Education. submitted
Avest, I. ter (2018). Op de stoel van de ander. blog op
Hoofdstukken in boeken/Chapters in books
Avest, I. ter (2018). Embracing otherness is supporting community. In: A. Mawhinney & P. Cumper (Eds.). Collective Worship and Religious Observance in UK Schools: Challenges and Opportunities. Peter Lang.
Avest, I. ter & E. Stedenburg (2018). Stay true to oneself. In: C. Roux & A. Becker (eds). Human Rights Literacy: Future Directions. Springer.
Avest, I. ter, C. Bakker (2018). Islamic Education in the Netherlands. In: Handbook of Islamic Education. Holger Daun and Reza Arjmand (Eds). Springer. pp. 873-887.
Bakker, C., I. ter Avest (2018). Disruptive moments and normative professionalism; An exploration of the (im)possibilities of a provocative pedagogy to stimulate the development of normative professionalism. In Diversity in Higher Education. submitted
Bakker, C., I. ter Avest (2018). Teacher Training for Religious Education; Engaging Academics through the Dialogical Self Theory. Transformation in Higher Education.
Gürlesin, Ö., I. ter Avest, A. Alasag, M. Akdag (2018). Playful Religion. submitted for contribution to publication edited by Abdullah Sahin.
Akdag, M. A. Alasag, I. ter Avest, Ő. Gürlesin (2018). Acculturation and the Dialogical formation of young muslim identity: Development of an intervention based on Dialogical Self Theory (DST), and its implementation. Presentation 10th DST conference Braga, June.
Avest, I. ter (2018). ‘A chair with a view’; creation of a new I-position – learning by doing. Presentation 10th DST conference Braga, June.
Wielzen, D., I. ter Avest (2018). Radical Faith Education.Presentation at the ISREV conference, Nurnberg juli-augustus.
Gürlesin, Ö., I. ter Avest, A. Alasag, M. Akdag (2018). Diversity in an Era of Polarization, contribution to the conference ‘Diversity in Higher Education’. februari 2-3 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Deuren en ramen wijd open. Verslag van de Jaardag 2017 van de ZKM Vereniging.met medewerking van Marjolein Fokkens, Wolf Lejeune, Annerieke Oosterwegel en Margreet Poulie. In ZKM Magazine.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Paas-, lente-, ei-verstop-feest??? Versvak blog april.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Musea en de kunst van de ‘kapstokjes’. Versvak blog december.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Met woede gaat de zon niet schijnen Versvak blog september.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Een vreemde vogel in de pedagogische civil society. Pedagogiek in Praktijk. April. pp 43-46
Bakker, C. & I. ter Avest (2017). Teacher Training for Religious Education – engaging university teachers. Diversity in Higher Education. Submitted.
Avest, I. ter & Bakker, C. (2017). RE Rooted in Principal’s Biography. Religion and Education, 44 (1), (pp. 5-21) (17 p.).
Avest, I. ter & Bakker, C. (2017). Religious Education in the Netherlands. RE Today, 34 (2), (pp. 56-59) (4 p.).
Alma, H. & I. ter Avest ‘Ik zie, ik zie wat jij (nog) niet ziet …’ bewerking van oratie van Hans Alma. Narthex
Avest, I. ter (2017). Iedereen z’n eigen klompen. In gesprek met Bright Richards over vluchtelingjongeren en durf. Narthex jaargang 16, nr. 3. pp. 23-28.
Avest, I. ter (2017).Verhalen over en weer contextualiseren. Een reflectie op de thema-artikelen. Narthex. jaargang 17. nr. 3. pp. 65-69.
Avest, I. ter (2007). Breder en dieper verstaan van zelf en ander. Een beschrijving van een uitdagend model voor worldview education; bespreking van het model van John Valk. Narthex.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Kieswijzer levensbeschouwing. Boekbespreking. Narthex
Avest, I. ter (2017). Kiezen voor persoonsvorming. Boekbespreking. Narthex
Avest, I. ter (2017). From location and (non-)place to place attachment and sense of place. An exploration of imagination as the key to transform spaces into places. Religion & Education.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Levensbeschouwelijk onderwijzen en leren recht van elk kind – verantwoordelijkheid van elke opvoeder. Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid (8) 1, p. 57-77.
Avest, I. ter & Bakker, C, (2017). Teacher Training for Religious Education –Violation of university teachers’ comfort zone? South African Journal of Higher Education. submitted.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Een vreemde vogel in de ‘pedagogische civil society’. Pedagogiek in Praktijk, nr. 96, april, p. 40-46.
Avest, I. ter (2017). “I experienced freedom within the frame of my own narrative”; the contribution of psychodrama techniques to experiential learning. International Review of Education 63: 71. doi:10.1007/s11159-017-9617-6.
Wielzen, D. & I. ter Avest (Eds.). (2017). Interfaith Education for All. Theoretical Perspectives and Best Practices for Transformative Action. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers.
Hoofdstukken in boeken/Chapters in books
Avest, I. ter (2017). Effectiveness of Innovative Ways of inclusive RE in the Netherlands. In F. Schweitzer, R. Boschki (Eds.) : Researching Religious Education. Waxmann Verlag. pp. 145-159.
Avest, I. ter & D. Wielzen (2017). Introduction In Interfaith Education for All Theoretical Perspectives and Best Practices for Transformative Action. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. pp. 1-20.
Taspinar, I. and I. ter Avest (2017). Diversity is the Key to Peace In Interfaith Education for AllTheoretical Perspectives and Best Practices for Transformative Action. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. Interfaith Education pp. 137-146.
Selçuk, M. and I. ter Avest (2017). Communicating Qur’anic Texts . In: Interfaith Education for AllTheoretical Perspectives and Best Practices for Transformative Action. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. pp. 83-96.
Doerga, M., S. De Ruiter and I. Ter Avest (2017). In: Interfaith Education for All Theoretical Perspectives and Best Practices for Transformative Action. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. pp. 215-226.
Ter Avest, I. and Duncan R. Wielzen (2017). Epilogue. In: Interfaith Education for All Theoretical Perspectives and Best Practices for Transformative Action. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. pp. 273-276.
Avest, I. ter & Saskia Heusèrr (2017). Religie, op het snijpunt van persoon, beroep en samenleving, In L. Rubio Reparaz, S. Ardjosemito-Jethoe, K. Rijk (Eds.). Diversiteit in de samenleving. Koninklijke Van Gorcum. pp. 200-2017.
Avest, I. ter & C. Bakker, C. (2017). Islamic Education in the Netherlands. In H. Daun & R. Arjmand (Eds.), Handbook of Islamic Education (13 p.). Springer.
Avest, I. ter & Bakker, C. (2017). Place attachment and sense of place – Transformation of spaces into places children feel attached to. In Martin Rothgangel, Kerstin Brömssen, Hans-Günter Heimbrock & Geir Skeie (Eds.), Location, Space and Place in Religious Education (pp. 101-111) (11 p.). Waxmann Verlag.
Avest, I. ter & Bakker, C. (2017). Place attachment and sense of place – Transformation of spaces into places children feel attached to. In Martin Rothgangel, Kerstin Brömssen, Hans-Günter Heimbrock & Geir Skeie (Eds.), Location, Space and Place in Religious Education (pp. 101-111) (11 p.). Waxmann Verlag.
Avest, I. ter & Bakker, C. (2017). Theoretical and methodological aspects of the concepts of place and space. In Martin Rothgangel, Kerstin von Brömssen, Hans-Günter Heimbrock & Geir Skeie (Eds.), Location, Space and Place in Religious Education (pp. 21-27) (7 p.). Münster / New York: Waxmann Verlag.
Avest, I. ter (2017). De jaren vijftig van de vorige eeuw. In: Met terugwerkende kracht. Jubeleumuitgave Pedagogiek in Praktijk.
Avest, I. ter, A. Oosterwegel (2017). Identiteit(en) en loyaliteit(en). Inleiding op de ZKM Jaardag, November 2017.
Avest, I. ter & O. Gurlesin (2017). Levensbeschouwing in de ‘society of mind’ – radicale fanatiekeling of fanatiek radicaal? Workshop op studiedag Haagse Hogeschool. 17 november.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Het oor ontbloot. Toespraak Basisgemeente Exodus, Ede. september.
Avest I. ter (2017) Internal(ized) external contexts. presentatie ENRECA conference: Locchum. April 24-26.
Akdag, M., Ö. Gürlesin, I. ter Avest, A. Alasag (2017) Presentatie Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium.
Avest, I. ter & I. Erdem (2017). Als het goed voelt. Presentatie PROOMINENT, EDE. 19 september.
Avest, I. & A. Alasag (2017). Religieuze Identiteitsontwikkeling gebaseerd op de Dialogical Self Theory (theorie van het meerstemmig en dialogisch zelf). Presentatie bijeenkomst ‘Artikel 1’, Utrecht. Presentatie 29 november.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Boekpresentatie B.v.d. Berg ‘Wijs worden met bronverhalen’. Marnix Academie Utrecht. 20 september.
Avest, I. ter & C. Bakker (2017). Normative professionalization; an example of Teacher Educators in RE. Presentatie Conferentie Diversity in Higher Education. Bloemfontein – Zd.Afrika. 2-3 februari.
Avest,I. ter & Ö. Gürlesin (2017). Levensbeschouwing in de ‘society of
mind’: Fanatiek radicaal of radicale fanatiekeling? Workshop DST conferentie Haagsche Hogeschool. 14 november.
Avest, I. ter (2017). Ontmoeting met moslims. Inleiding op het gesprek met ‘de ander’, in het kader van Bespreek ’t samen, Ede.
Avest, I. ter (2017) Bespreek ‘t samen – nagesprek naar aanleiding van de voorstelling ‘Met de mantel der liefde’ in Cultura 17 november.
Berg, B. van den, Avest, I. ter & Bakker, C, (2016). Imagination in action: primary school students interpret religious narratives. Religion & Education. submitted.
Avest, I. ter & Rietveld-van Wingerden, M. Half a century of Islamic education in Dutch schools. British Journal of Religious Education. doi: 10.1080/01416200.2015.1128391
Avest, I. ter (2015). Een vreemde vogel in de pedagogische civil society? Pedagogiek.
Avest, I. ter, Bertram-Troost, G.D. & Miedema, S. (2015). “If it Feels Good…”: Research on School Selection Process Motives Among Parents of Young Children. Religion & Education, 42 (3), 357-367. doi: 10.1080/15507394.2015.1041357
Avest, I. ter (2015). Leren over zelf leren samen leven. Narthex, 35
Bertram-Troost, G.D., Miedema, S., Kom, C. & Avest, I. ter (2015). A catalogue of Dutch primary schools in the secular age: empirical results. Religion & Education, 42 (2), 202-217.
Avest, I. ter (2014). Different children, equal citizens A diverse team of teachers: a safe space for unique persons and equal citizens. Journal for the Study of Religion, 2014 (27), 192-209.
Avest, K.H. ter & McDougall, R. (2014). The Little Prince, an introduction to spirituality; a moving experience in religious education for primary school children in a secularized world. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 2014 (35), 214-217. doi: 10.1080/13617672.2014.953358
Avest, I. ter (2014). In gesprek met Bill Banning. Narthex, 14 (4), 38-42.
Avest, I. ter (2014). Relatie aangaan door luisteren en vertellen; in gesprek met Bill Banning. Narthex, 38-44.
Avest, I. ter (2014). Religie zonder God. Narthex, 72-79.
Bakker, C, & Avest, I. ter (2014). Coming out religiously: Life Orientation in public schools. Religious Education, 2014 (109), 407-423. doi: 10.1080/00344087.2014.924774
Bertram-Troost, G.D., Miedema, S., Kom, K & Avest, I. ter (2013). A Catalogue of Dutch Protestant Primary Schools in the Secular age: Empirical Results. (online early publication). Religion & Education, 42, 1-32. 10.1080/15507394.2013.873315
Bertram-Troost, G.D., S. Miedema, C. Kom & I. ter Avest (2013). A Catalogue of Dutch Protestant Primary Schools in the Secular Age: Empirical Results. Religion & Education (Accepted Manuscript Online Publication, December 10, 2013 – DOI: 10.1080/15507394.2013.873315; Publication of Version of Record, 2015, Volume 42).
Hoofdstuk in boek/Chapter in book
Avest, I. ter, Bakker, C, Bertram-Troost, G.D. & Miedema, S. (2013). Hollanda sütunlaşmış ve post-ütunlaşmış eğitim sisteminde Din ve Eğitim: tarihi arka plan ve güncel tartışmalar. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1), 171-186.
Ter Avest, I, G.D. Bertram-Troost & S. Miedema (2013). Parents coming out religiously. Secular and religious reasons for their choice of a primary school. L. Huffaker (Ed.). Coming out religiously! Religion, the Public Sphere and Religious Identity Formation. 2013 Proceedings of REA/APPRRE (pp. 1-6). REA/APPRRE: Boston.
Avest, I. ter (Ed.) (2012). On the Edge: (Auto)biography and Pedagogical Theories on Religious Education. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers.
Hoofdstuk in boek
Avest, I. ter (2012). Plurality in Society Mirrored in the Teachers’ Multi-voiced Self – Internalized Inequality. In C. Roux (Ed.). Safe Spaces. Human Rights Education in Diverse Contexts. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. pp. 243-259.